Wednesday, May 03, 2006


against personal belief the tired man flew from spot to land in a deserted field that felt ribbon cool and tired expressions pent up belief in a god that did not allow child to become sacrifice for cultural expression but instead lead a life of grace than isn't found on anything but 50's televise ice boxes the cold isn't what is making me shiver and I will not stand next to a monkey to prove I am not related to the species of man and the wanderings of Darwin just because he was seasick and tried as hard as he could to find excuses to stay on land instead of going back on that damn beagle. ever onward the captain says to the student as she learns from her back and kneels to all the false beliefs of professors and English students abroad but I am not your broad I am a man and a vulture and I am tired of being alone on this telephone pole. I will not give in to my feelings because every time I am left further from the truth and belief that someone else gives a damn when no one gave a damn I hate this gut retching spirit I ate at birth on my way from the warm wet dark to the cold dry light I want it back the feeling of security I want it back to hell with personality I say the clowns and the frowns I see on all of your faces to the grave of communist have gone looking for their skulls and mixed messages of half belief and gathering the remains of Stalin only to leave them on the alter of political press releases for the greater good the security of a nation that has killed it's own and the Americana on my shelf has never meant so much to me as they did the day I found them in a burnt out house next to a melted radio that will play no more Chaplin or Pete fountain so dance to the swinging music of velvet curtains and French lounge acts so damn the brigade and mix your own drinks my burnt apples and roly polies will sing and ring their own tunes but I have stood too long and the drink will never come back from my lips to taste the sweet tonic that will cure your memory loss and that babe suckling has choked on golden keys I will give you my last breath if it would mean I didn't have to convince you of who I am and what I mean to you I will never mean as much to us as he does and I would still fall to your feet before you if you would only stop long enough for me to catch my breath.