Sunday, April 23, 2006

My Current Booklist


General- Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, I think this is one of those books any male American should read for the sake of better understanding themselves and their role in life.
Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides, A great book that makes you look at yourself and those around you a bit differently, and to respect those you don't understand.
Classics-Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., One of my all time favorite books due tot he fact it entertains as well as teaches you to look at war and life and love in some many different was.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, A true classic that still lives in today's world. so many classics I've read and not gotten a lot out of due to their lack of relating to the modern day, and yet this book still rings true.
Fantasy-The Once and Future King by T.H.White, the single greatest story I've ever read. it deals with the legend of King Arthur, and yet teaches us about war, love, revenge and loss. It will make you laugh and cry and stop to think.
Assassin's Apprentice; Royal Assassin; Assassin's Quest; Fool's Errand; Golden Fool; Fool's Fate by Robin Hobb, the greatest series of fantasy books out there today. it takes two trilogy to tell the tale but when your done you'll never look at fantasy in the same way, and nothing you read after will quite compare to these stories.
Mystery- The Alienist by Caleb Carr- a great story that keeps you interested from start to Finish and doesn't have an obvious enemy from the start.
Western- Hondo by Louis L'AMOUR- The greatest western write with a great tale. much more than cowboys and Indians.
Romance- The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin, a great story that is both funny and heart warming.
Comedy- Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris, a hilarious collection of the authors memories about growing up in Raleigh N.C., and he's beginnings in N.Y.
Horror- I am Legend by Richard Matheson, a great tale of vampires and zombies in an apocalyptic world.

Poetry- Cut Off the Ears of Winter by Peter Covino, a contempary poet that speaks for today.
Howl by Allen Ginsberg, a great classic from the beat generation
Paradise Lost by Milton, any poet that can make you weep for the devil is amazing in my book
Walden and Other Writings by Henry David Thoreau, after reading this I almost became a hermit that lived in Alaska.

Get in the Van-Henry Rollins, a great book based on the journals of the lead singer from BLACK FLAG.
How to Talk Dirty and Influence People by Lenny Bruce, another great book about one of the greatest comics of all time.
A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, An engaging story about a man that decides he wants to hike the trail from Georgia to Maine.
The Wild Blue by Stephen Ambrose, a great recounting of the men that served in World War II as bomber piolets.
Cod: the fish that changed the world by Mark Kurlansky, a great story about a fish most people wouldn't spend five seconds thinking about.
In The Company of Heroes by Michael J Durant, a gripping story about a modern day POW.
The Knight by Alan Baker, an easy way to introduce yourself to the medieval periods greatest weapon.