Friday, April 07, 2006

Begin the Begin

With Silence comes the beginning...

First and for most I have nothing really important to say, I don't know if anyone really does, and I don't expect many people to read this so I shall treat it like a little snack bar. I'm on my lunch break that will be ending in about five minutes so we'll see what I can get down in that time. I'm going through a rough time in my life I'm 29 and about to turn 30 and my eight year marriage is in the crapper as they say. Yesterday we started our third round of counciling, boy I hate counciling, but what else am I suppose to do? end it and just kiss it off like it wasn't apart of my life for the last eight years or do I go in there and weep like a small child and hope that fixes things? Yeah I don't know either. Wow this is going to be a big hit people around the world are going to love this stuff but I have to admit it feels pretty good to type away...