Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Blushing Is A Good Sign It's About You

I was thinking today about some of my stuffed animals I loved as a child. My favorite one I wish I still had today was a sock monkey. I know it was a classic toy of the seventies, but to me it was an original. I wasn't even aware a lot of people had them as a kid I thought mine was the only one up to about the age of twenty. Mine was very distinct I sucked on the tail as a kid and so it was always in a weird shape and a little disconnected from the body of the monkey. I miss you sock monkey

The other real memorable stuff animal I had was a horse that was in the pose of lying down and it was a wind up musical animal. I got it when I was eight and had my tonsils out and a real bad asthma attack so I was in the hospital for longer than normal. My aunt gave it to me and she told me that on her way up here she saw it in the road forgotten and so she picked it up and brought it to me. The story has stuck to me and in away bound me to the horse and when ever I was sad I’d wind up the horse and listen to the song it played as I fell asleep. By the time I was 19 it couldn't play its song anymore but I loved them both.

Sadly my mother was a fanatical donator to thrift stores and so when I left home for the first time around 19 she went through my things and got rid of everything she deemed old and not wanted. And so my sock monkey and wind up horse are hopefully in some less fortunate child’s room keeping them happy and safe.