Monday, March 05, 2007

Melting Tin Roof

March as arrived and once again the year is flowing by faster then anyone could possibly handle. I am enjoying this years time passage it's the last year I'll ever be in school for the next five years and then I'll re-evaluate my life and decide if I'd like another degree it will either be a bachelor's in English or a Master's in History or a Master's in Public Administration. Right now none of them sound fun. This is the point of the semester were all the assignments that looked so far off in the distant begin to approach from now till the end I believe I'll have a major assignment once a week. Spring break is coming up and I plan on spending a few days off work so I can have a proper holiday from everything, even my wife will be gone for the weekend and I plan to veg and get ahead on some of my assignments to relieve the stress and pressure at the end of the semester. Work is well and good the witch is dead and things are in place for once but that shall change. I've got some temporary Librarian Tattoos and their helping me make things fun. I saw the Zodiac last weekend, I have to say it was a good movie with the serial killer and I liked it. The main message was that the real victims of the killer where the people that spent their life trying to catch the guy. I also saw Pan's Labyrinth, it was also very good but very dismal. It got a little violent with the bad guy bashing in the face of a peasant with the bottom of a wine bottle.