Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Life on Gliese 581 C

Gliese 581 C

They say there might be life
all I want to know
the proof in picture
blue beautiful surrounded by
glowing red embers of a dwarf.

Of course there's life out there
we are not that special
waiting to dance with chimes
destroying the designs
thinking of others.

The way is long and narrow
Babies on board to live out life in space
baby blue silk dress
in the black
heads rolling solar

My lass hurrah and hum
seeing the children off
when they get there water
will send them back

golden hair
waves interconnected

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Don't look at me with those eyes,
Surrounded with guilt like a parade.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is free God bless you

Hitting My Head on Ice

The first to capture me in a cage
the burning describes the feelings that remain
wandering alone in the snow blown fields
looking for the horse that did not want to be found
carrots and bridle one hidden the other shown
i have the feeling of time quaking in my bones
the pain still comes to me from time to time
it makes me wonder if i am still growing these pains
in my legs are like quick drying liquid plastic
there is nothing that could make me sale cars
yet it remains unlike the shape of you in a mirror
the cage door is open and empty
does that mean your free or floundering in your
own cosmic soup bowl?
i think if i were to plunge a toilet with an alien
you would be there like a pendant between her breasts
offering comfort and peace
that long sot after peace
until the ash burns cold on the single
cigarette in the single ashtray
in the middle of a lounge bar
only a hotel conference room full of businessmen
would be more depressing then this.
what would you say if i were to speak hello
goodbye hi bye farewell

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Poetry in the LIbrary

Yellow fried from green unicorns that run free while getting tired of ghosts and log off the plane I will survive the next month if only I have faith and believe in smiles and happy things. I am preparing to test for days and days I will give you everything you want and no I didn't forget your birthday but I can't say I can't talk the endless talking. No need to shave and not on top once in three months I can't remember the grizzly Adams of yester year. I remember the bears and the mountains rolling down the mountains like Nome the place of year long ice and sun the sun can not melt the ice forever and they say the water wars are coming. will we share no we will fight for all that is ours or all that rolls along next to yours. you can not forget the fallen heroes of the water wars and the soldiers that fight for oil and freedom depending on how you look at reason I will not share the same thoughts over and over I will continue to. Gypsies all run free but the troubadours are more my type, Saint George and the dragon will raise again when the great and terrible serpent will rise and no one is scared that the honey bees are disappearing. I can't tell you how scared I am that they are gone and no one seems to think its news, but I see it as a sign to grow long in the tooth and hold up signs that will only get me the kind of responses a homeless man might get. With the coins that are thrown at me I will by my friend’s freedom to undo the shame of the fathers and grandfathers that continue to stack up behind us until we can't remember which one died to bring me here to this land that slowly gets fatter and fatter. Is that what they died for my cholesterol intact might become more manageable or should I diet and cry alone for the fact that no one no. 1 is here for anyone else? and then when the faith has almost died I have the chance to touch a life in the glowing center the rare times when the moment almost makes us both cry for the simple fact that happiness and service was given freely.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pen Pal Poetry

I started the first annual poetry pen pal program for my library today. I had 7 kids write to Peacham, VT and 9 kids to Lancaster, SC. The kids wrote poems, letters or pictures to send to the kids. If all goes well the kids will get a response back before the end of the month.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Lollapalooza 2007

Lollapalooza 2007

Early morning neck ache
the buzz is kamikaze.
Tuesday is with out the iron on neck tie
yet I will provide and continue to support
my local lamp light.

The heady weather is warming
causing all kinds of flashbacks and superseded
the local governmental priorities.
I am the monthly patsy but my sash is still being
used by the corpse before me.

The reading and reading and weeding is catching
up to all that I have to say and write but time
is seeable in the future. There is now a horizon line
and I will not let it leave me this time.

To Chicago I will go to shake and rumble with
the woman I know.
Together the plane will be a bus and vitamins
are making me piss colors I've never seen before.

Onward the marching band plays while I get lost
in your spandex cog piece.
Damn your eyes and the mother dogs.

I am your back
slash and you are my period.