Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Lollapalooza 2007

Lollapalooza 2007

Early morning neck ache
the buzz is kamikaze.
Tuesday is with out the iron on neck tie
yet I will provide and continue to support
my local lamp light.

The heady weather is warming
causing all kinds of flashbacks and superseded
the local governmental priorities.
I am the monthly patsy but my sash is still being
used by the corpse before me.

The reading and reading and weeding is catching
up to all that I have to say and write but time
is seeable in the future. There is now a horizon line
and I will not let it leave me this time.

To Chicago I will go to shake and rumble with
the woman I know.
Together the plane will be a bus and vitamins
are making me piss colors I've never seen before.

Onward the marching band plays while I get lost
in your spandex cog piece.
Damn your eyes and the mother dogs.

I am your back
slash and you are my period.