Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Story Behind D.Y.D.

I've had a ton of people ask me over the years what D.Y.D. means and I've always been vague and never really told anyone what it truly means, so why should you be any different.

This is what I will tell:

I came up with the name for my new band in High School, I had just ended my friendship with Joe Nuss and I was pissed so I was thinking up names, Oh by the way our old band name was JFK it stood for Jerk For Kalifornia (we came up with that before the Brad Pitt movie). Back to the story- I was sitting in church not paying attention like normal and I came up with DYD, now I've always been drawn to band names that don't conjure up images that pigeon hole the band. Like R.E.M., or U2, or Idlewild. So I liked the name but I wanted it to stand for something so I came up with the name that I won't tell anyone, well that's a lie a few people over the years have either guessed it or I told, but the number is low like 5 to 8 and out of those people I only think about 3 even remember it still to this day I came up with the name in 1994 or 1995 so it's been around awhile. As soon as I came up with the name I knew I wouldn't be able to tell everyone what it meant so It grew into this evolving name, I had visions of naming each album with a different version like do you dream, or don't you die, or dance young disco, all kinds of names are out there. But my dreams of musical stardom are slowly fading and D.Y.D. has taken on a new meaning of anything I do that is an expression of myself I tag on the name, so my writing or art I'll use it. One day I'd like to license it or use it as the name for my copyrights. Who knows the sky is the limits.

Here's a something for the kiddies to do at night or for any crack whores coming down from a high. If you can come up with the original Title I'll send you a surprise. And if there is anyone I don't personally know that figures it out leave your email address with your answer so I can send it to you.


dmaismith said...

DYD: Do Your Dishes!