Sunday, November 01, 2009

First Day of NaNoWrimo

The first day of NaNoWrimo (National Novel Writing Month) is always fun and daunting at the same time. I'm excited to start a new story--the prospect of creating something new and seeing where it goes. But I'm a little overwhelmed about the fact that I only have a month to write 50,000 words.

The nice thing about it all is the whole idea that you can't read what you've written the days before, which is what kept me from ever finishing a novel before NaNoWrimo.

I'd encourage anyone that has ever thought about writing a novel, or who's attempted to write a novel and hasn't finished, to give it a try. In the end, the only words of advice I live by are, "Just because you can boil a chicken, doesn't mean you can skin a rabbit."


dmaismith said...

You are so dedicated--it is so inspiring (almost :).

Brannigan C said...

Don't make me have a laugh now. Every time I do this I think you should do it. I can tell you've got a story in you to tell. On the bright side it can't be worse than mine. I think a monkey could write better than me. Well a monkey that's hopped up on caffeine for sure.