1. Ride in a hot air balloon
2. Get certified in scuba diving
3. Publish a novel
4. Paint an oil painting
5. Have Kids
6. Tour Graceland
7. Sleep under the stars at 75
8. Steal a yield Sign
9. Build a ship in a bottle
10. Perform in front of a crowd
11. Write in each style of writing
12. Retype my poems
13. Run in the New York Marathon
14. Type my journal (I've started this one)
15. Keep a Journal (the blog works right?)
16. Graduate from College (in the middle right now)
17. Ride on a Train (did this on my last trip to England)
18. Fly a Remote controlled Airplane
19. Pet a Big Cat (leopard, tiger, etc.)
20. Ride in a helicopter
21. Learn to fly fish
22. Shoot a crossbow
23. Build a trebuchet
24. Work in a record store
25. Set up a squirrel feeder in my back yard
26. Plant a tree
27. Grow a garden
28. Eat sushi (I love this)
29. Build my kids a tree house
30. Launch a rocket
31. Play paint ball
32. Visit a cave (done this a few times love caves)
33. Take up bird watching
34. Keep a meditation journal
35. Cut down my own Christmas tree
36. Climb a tree at eighty
37. Sky dive
38. Mine for gold
39. Build a sculpture
40. Do my genealogy
41. Serve on a jury
42. Own a sword
43. Own a stuffed squirrel
44. Own a life sized suite of armor
45. Read all of the Harvard classics
46. Read all of Kurt Vonnegut's books (about halfway)
47. Learn to fence
48. Learn to play the guitar
49. Learn to play a harmonica
50. Learn to play chess (I'm a beginner I'd like to find a practice partner)
51. Learn to fly a plane
52. Learn Latin
53. Own season tickets to the symphony
54. Own season tickets to the opera
55. Watch a space shuttle launch
56. Watch a bull fight (even thought I think it is morally wrong)
57. Take part in the running of the bulls (give Karma a chance to get me back for watching a bull fight)
58. Watch a demolition derby
59. Watch a dog race
60. See a Broadway play (I saw Chicago, but I'd like to see more)
61. See Idlewild live (I've seen them three times since the creation of the list)
62. See the Flaming Lips live (I've seen them twice and been on stage with them for on of the times)
63. Go to a Monster Truck Rally
64. Go to a Jazz club
65. Go to the David Letterman Show
66. Go to the Conan O'Brien Show
67. Go to the Saturday Night Live Show
68. Go river rafting (Done this once but I want to do it more)
69. Go to an Auction
70. Go on a treasure hunt
71. Go on a cruise
72. Save the world for two years or so
73. Go night swimming at least once a year
74. Learn to Bow hunt
75. Make a pair of Pants
76. Make an album
77. Make a sand castle on both coasts
78. Make something out of Popsicle sticks (I'm sure I did this when I was little but I think it would be fun to do it again)
79. Make my own camera
80. Make a walking stick
81. Make something out of leather (done this a few times but I want something really cool)
82. Shake the hand of a prophet
83. Shake the hand of Edward Louis Severson III
84. Shake the hand of John Michael Stipe
85. Be on the Simpson's
86. Be in the tabloids
87. Be in a play (I've also done this but I like it a lot)
88. Be an extra in a movie
89. Visit New York (done this)
90. Visit Texasarkana
91. Visit Athens, Ga
92. Visit London (done this twice)
93. Visit Paris
94. Visit Rome
95. Visit Ireland
96. Visit Scotland (did it)
97. Visit Germany
98. Visit important historical sites of America
99. Spend a day in each of the states
100. Visit each continent including Antarctica
101. Visit count Dracula's Castle
102. Visit Jerusalem
103. Visit Hell, Michigan
104. Visit the unclaimed baggage center in Scottsboro, AZ
Friday, June 30, 2006
104 Things to do Before I Die
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This is Just a Test
Here's a picture of me and Rebecca and Scott Jones at Mr. Bill's birthday party. It's more of an attempt at adding pictures to posts then an actual post.
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Cracks In-Between
Dragonflies trapped in
black and white.
It’s the buildings he sees, in
a state of crumbling fear.
I heard voices calling
your name. You’ve stopped visiting
my sleep, like a lover visiting
a grave. Nothing left
to say, we call it rivalry.
I know heaven, hell
that isn’t the issue, where
am I headed. She tells me
we’re glued together,
what she can’t see is the way I’m
peeling. Back to back
carrying the weight, our world.
Waiting for an edge.
It seems there are cracks
to the greatest love, We see
in-between movie frames.
Sing me Moon River
in a smoky club, blue
light hair, curling lips.
The way piano’s tickle the spine.
Lay me down, in clouds
of confusion. Wondering if I
had cancer, would you finally see me
for whom I am what I want.
It still leaves me to believe
cradled fear will crumble.
Songs will turn to hums.
We forget the things we don’t say.
Feelings left unfelt.
Buildings in misuse.
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Rrrrrr I'm a Pirate
So today I'm going to do a book discussion with a group of teenagers about treasure Island. It will be my first so I'm not sure how I'm going to do but after all they are just teenagers it takes a lot to impress them so I won't feel bad if they leave pissed at the world. I have two fun things and a quiz and then the basic discussion that I don't plan on getting much responses to. But the fun things are a home made boat building contest to see which ones can float the best and then we're going to make jewelry, no good pirate would be seen without jewelry right? Anyways I think it's only going to be for an hour so we shall see... Nothing else to report went to counseling the other day and it seems that all women want to change their husbands and all men want their wives to stay the same? So maybe if this one doesn't work I think I still might join a monastery... The rats are still being anti-social, it's life for you when you're lonely and you buy animals for companionship and they turn out to be anti-social...
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Rats...they don't eat the blood off of loved one's feet
So I was reading something a friends wrote and I made a quick choice to go out and buy two rats. I have to say I like them very much, but being new to the whole things we'll see how it all goes. I got two, a Blue rat, with a solid blue coat named Marr and a Hairless rat(which aren't really hairless they have a small amount of peach fuzz) his name is Floyd. Marr is a bit older then Floyd about twice floyd's size but is very mellow and calm. Floyd is a nervous ball of energy and seems to love running around in teh cage and climbing the walls and playing monkey bars with the roof. He also seems to eat constantly. He also sneezes a lot and I'm wondering if he is allergic to me? I need to go on line and figure out how long I need to wait before I start to explore the house outside of the cage? It's a big house for two little rats and I don't want them to get lost or stuck somewhere, I'm also wondering if they are potty trained I don't really want them to crap outside of the cage so we'll see what I can find on line.
School is still crazy and out of control these first two weeks seem to have killed me , but I'm starting to get some ideas on how to spread the stress so it's not so hard to deal with, I'll report back on that later. counceling is going better now that i feel more comfortable with the shrink and we're getting into more meaty topics. so all and all this are working nothing is at a stand still, work is in full summer mode with all of it's reading programs and such. I don't have anything funny to say so see ya...
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Rats...They don't starve the poor so they can be well fed
So I was reading something a friends wrote and I made a quick choice to go out and buy two rats. I have to say I like them very much, but being new to the whole thing we'll see how it all goes. I got two, a Blue rat, with a solid blue coat named Marr and a Hairless rat(which aren't really hairless they have a small amount of peach fuzz) his name is Floyd. Marr is a bit older then Floyd about twice floyd's size but is very mellow and calm. Floyd is a nervous ball of energy and seems to love running around in the cage and climbing the walls and playing monkey bars with the roof. He also seems to eat constantly. He also sneezes a lot and I'm wondering if he is allergic to me? I need to go on line and figure out how long I need to wait before I start to explore the house outside of the cage? It's a big house for two little rats and I don't want them to get lost or stuck somewhere, I'm also wondering if they are potty trained I don't really want them to crap outside of the cage so we'll see what I can find on line.
School is still crazy and out of control these first two weeks seem to have killed me , but I'm starting to get some ideas on how to spread the stress so it's not so hard to deal with, I'll report back on that later. counceling is going better now that i feel more comfortable with the shrink and we're getting into more meaty topics. so all and all this are working nothing is at a stand still, work is in full summer mode with all of it's reading programs and such. I don't have anything funny to say so see ya...
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Friday, June 09, 2006
Yesterday was a beautiful day full of thunder and lighting. I drove home watching the clouds light up and hearing the world shake. I get romantic when I think about rain, I want to move somewhere that rains all the time either Savannah, GA or Seattle, WA either one would be great most likely Seattle it's a bit cooler there. Plus I've already spent a lot of time in Savannah so I would like to try something new. The other day we had a crazy lady well really she's a regular, but still crazy she has holding a deposition at the library in one of our conference rooms and her father was yelling at the lawyers and they told him he was out of order and he yelled back they were out of order and they were threatening to call the cops so she came out of the room and asked me to throw the lawyers out of the library, so of course we called the police and let them deal with the room full of crazies. Ah the joy of library work, it's rarely boring. All I can do is enjoy the thunder and the rain as it hits the glass... Sorry my thoughts have become more fractured since starting school.
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Monday, June 05, 2006
Standing to Save Popcorn
All I can say about this last week is WOW. I nearly had three heart attacks, one new ulcer, and five new grey hairs. The first week of Grad. School is finished and I'm still alive. My marriage is still in ruins. Other then that I can't complain. The highlight of my week was standing in the back of the Library Director's truck full of supplies for a local event holding the Popcorn machine in hopes that it or I wouldn't fall out on the downhill ride to the event. I took stock of my life and found I am failing in all major areas and all I can say now is there's only up from here, I hope...
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Thursday, June 01, 2006
I Want a Warning
For all my rabid fans out there I have to apologize in advance. I just started my first semester into my graduate program and already my time is being sucked up faster then a drunk sucks spilt beer. So the postings may be either short or long spaced but no fear I shall return
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